By Laughter Arts Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization

HumorME logo
By Laughter Arts Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization

What is HumorMe?

HumorMe offers the gift of short private virtual performances for people in difficult medical situations. These gift performances from friends and family bring cheer to loved ones having a rough time. As part of our nonprofit model, a portion of each transaction will bring a performance to an individual with out the means (or friends) to provide one.

HumorMe was inspired by Michael Rosman when one of his friends began chemotherapy. She lived too far away for a face-to-face visit and certainly should not have to suffer one of his home made ‘gift’ lasagnes. Montana Miller suggested that all she would want from Michael (a professional comedy juggler) if she herself was ill, was to have a short virtual show that might cheer her up. Michael realized he and the Laughter Arts Foundation could bring this type of restorative entertainment to many other people.

Our Team:
Advisory Committee

Michael Rosman - Bowling Ball
Michael Rosman
Viveca Gardiner
Viveca Gardiner
Scot Nery
Scot Nery
Montana Miller
Dr. Montana Miller
Stephanie Phelan
Stephanie Phelan
Peter Gross
Peter Gross
Dr. Rodriguez

About the Laughter Arts Foundation

The Laughter Arts Foundation was created in 1998 and incorporated as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization during the late 1990s – 2000 to help performing variety artists grow and improve, and to help the general community with variety arts performances.

After 10 years of highly successful conferences called Motionfest, Minifest, and finally Microfest, the Laughter Arts Foundation scaled down to making smaller less known contributions to the world, mostly waiting and watching for the right project to present itself. 

And then walked in Mandi and Montana . . . . 

Meet the Board

Laughter Arts Foundation Logo
Michael Rosman - Bowling Ball

Michael Rosman

Executive Director

Dr. Phil Depalo - Headshot

Dr. Phil DePalo

Assistant Executive Director and Treasurer

Wil Allyn

Wil Allyn

Most Bearded Board Member

Todd Strong

Todd Strong

Northernmost Board Member